Monday, September 8, 2008

Writing the Exploratory Essay

At first I did not know what aspect of PW I wanted to explore, but after thinking about what type of PW I may want to do later in life I decided to think of questions about an editor. Considering I still do not know what kind of editor I may want to be, I thought of general questions about editors and why would these questions would be important. I thought back to lessons we had about kairos and the different perspectives (textual, individual and social). I also thought back to English 102 and remembered about ethos, pathos and logos. I then questioned how an editor uses each on of these different writing concepts in their work. I also thought about ethics, because this is a very important part of any type of professional writer's career.
After I thought about these different aspects editors may use in their careers, I questioned why they are important to know and how these things could help future editors.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Social Perspective

How does the social perspective apply yo my work as a professional writer?

Examine how a discourse community is organized, what subjects are considered appropriate, how they are determined, genres that evolve within a community, how a community sanctions certain methods of inquiry, understanding members expectations, and knowing how to alter those expectation and beliefs, how individuals cope with texts,
accomplish interaction between writers and reader, etc....

Which of the suggestion are most important? Pick 3. Why? How do they effect me as a PW?

1. Discourse community- important because it allows you to understand the expectations of the audience and group you are trying to reach.
2. Determine what subjects are appropriate - important so the writer does not introduce anything offensive or irrelevant
3. Interaction between writer and reader - important to make sure there is clear understanding from the writer to the reader so no information is lost during communication

Monday, September 1, 2008

Rhetorical Activities 1&4

1. While looking at two magazines I had laying around, I realized that they both had very similar articles. SELF and Life & Style both have articles directed towards women who are trying to lose weight for the end of summer. SELF has articles including "20 Super Foods for Weight Loss" and "Look Devine from Behind." Life & Style's front page story is "Beach Panic, Bikini Diets - Lose those final pounds fast!" Both of these magazines are the August issues which incidentally come out in July. These authors are using the karios, critical and opportune time, to target these women on the foods and diets they are selling. By drawing on the fact that it is the end of summer and realizing that women are looking for a way to lose weight before the summer is over, they are able to attract these readers and persuade them to buy their product.

4. With the elections approaching fast, many younger people who have just received the right to vote may pass the opportunity over thinking that their one vote does not matter. Imagine if every 18-year-old was to think "my vote doesn't mean anything," there would be a large amounts of important votes absent from the election. Many of the issues the two parties disagree about are issues that effect youth, such as abortion and education. Without voting there really is no room for complaint about the issues that you disagree with. Finally, youth should have a say what is going on in their country, and if someone is giving you the right to vote, you should definitely take it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Weekend Review

After this week of reading and discussion I understand the difference between debate and rhetoric. I also understand exactly what rhetoric is. I am now very clear on the textual perspective as well. I am still confused about the discourse community vs. the audience. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A document in the workplace...

A document in the workplace is "a moment in the continuous process of communication." A professional writer must be able to participate in this process. When writing a document pertaining to work, a professional writer must realize that what they are writing serves a purpose to communicate to others currently and in the future. The knowledge they put down is used to teach and inform others on what is happening in the workplace. The PW must know that their information will be read by others in the hopes of gaining insight to what is currently going on. The "moment in the continuous process of communication" should be a reminder to the writer that what they write will continue to inform others of something that happened just once in one point in time. The more a PW accepts this theory, the better able they will be to write something that will continue informing others long after the event is over. The professional writer must be able to put themselves in the position of the reader and try to connect with them to see the bet way to communicate the information. The writer must always have the readers in mind to ensure the continuation of communication and information.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rhetoric and Debate

Rhetoric defined by Aristotle is the power of finding the available argument suited to a given situation. Rhetoric is not "empty words" used for the deception of others. Debate is constructive argument between people who try to make others accept their opinion.

-questions prepared in advance, stock answers
-no listening

-interested in solving the communities problem
-defending one's position

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rhetorical Activities 2&4

2. One example of an argument that's not really an argument can be seen in the way younger people speak to each other. If you observe college students (mainly males), there is a certain way they speak to each other that may be misleading. Younger people tend to speak to their friends in derogatory and cruel names. To each other these words are not hurtful and they are just a way of joking around. The words and phrases they use can be considered "empty", because in some contexts certain words can be very hurtful and in others, like this case, they have a playful meaning. The way people use these words is a clear indication of how they are meant to come across. The tone of their speech is a good way to tell when the interaction between people is a joke or not.

4. Persuasion in my community comes mainly in the form of peers, family and media. These things are the three biggest influences to me. The last time I changed my mind about something was either directly influenced by my friends, family or persuaded by the television. The media can convince someone to go on a diet or buy a certain product. Religious conversion happens by people observing others' religions and wanting to follow. All types of influences come from others around you. Even if you are watching the TV, it is likely that the person on the commercial or television show is the one that convinces you to do something. However, there are somethings that other people can not influence you to do. A racist can not be convinced not to be a racist. This goes the same for a rapist - no person can tell a rapist to change their ways, in this case these people have to change from with in and no type of rhetoric will change that.