Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rhetorical Activities 2&4

2. One example of an argument that's not really an argument can be seen in the way younger people speak to each other. If you observe college students (mainly males), there is a certain way they speak to each other that may be misleading. Younger people tend to speak to their friends in derogatory and cruel names. To each other these words are not hurtful and they are just a way of joking around. The words and phrases they use can be considered "empty", because in some contexts certain words can be very hurtful and in others, like this case, they have a playful meaning. The way people use these words is a clear indication of how they are meant to come across. The tone of their speech is a good way to tell when the interaction between people is a joke or not.

4. Persuasion in my community comes mainly in the form of peers, family and media. These things are the three biggest influences to me. The last time I changed my mind about something was either directly influenced by my friends, family or persuaded by the television. The media can convince someone to go on a diet or buy a certain product. Religious conversion happens by people observing others' religions and wanting to follow. All types of influences come from others around you. Even if you are watching the TV, it is likely that the person on the commercial or television show is the one that convinces you to do something. However, there are somethings that other people can not influence you to do. A racist can not be convinced not to be a racist. This goes the same for a rapist - no person can tell a rapist to change their ways, in this case these people have to change from with in and no type of rhetoric will change that.

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